Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Week 1 at digital tools in the classroom


  1. Week 1 meant being exposed to a range of interesting tools. Some of them ie Scoop.it, Flavors, Voki were new to me so it was interesting to experiment with them. The only problem is the time. I wonder if I can spend so much time with my students as I myself spend getting to know the new tools. I've got to balance fun with the educational side of my teaching. Food for thought!!!

  2. Hi Sophie,

    Due the lak of time I haven't checked Scoop.it, Flavors and Voki yet.
    I plan to do it ASAP.
    I am used to working with NINIG, photoblog, and other on-line software to edit pictures and videos but in some cases they are to heavy to upload my material.
